Why bother with Smart & Green Design?
Do you live or work in a place you are not happy to come back to? Do you suspect that a building where you spend a lot of time make you feel sick or depressed? Are you trying to spend as much time as possible away from a place you work or live and embarrassed to invite your friends or clients there? Do you think showing your building on Google Maps will hurt your business? Do you live in a place that it is hard for you to call your home? Are you tired of renting that ugly place and want to have a place of your own, so it could be just the way you like it? Do you want to flip houses because it is a fun way to make money?
If the answer to any one of those questions is YES, read on.
You home or your work place is your biggest investment of time, energy, and money. It is important to think it through. You know, it will not happen on its own. Besides, you are aware of popular saying: Fail to plan = plan to fail.
Many people have done it before you with various results. It is always easier to talk about successes than mistakes. Design, materials, real estate, and construction business advertising boost up their customers benefits and downplay risks. Risk analysis, however, is the most important step in any project. Do you remember the expression: Cover your assets?
What are your the most valuable assets in order of importance? As one of highly respected and very well paid attorney, we happened to work with, simply put it:
1. Your health
(Are you aware that a building can make you very ill? Sometime it could affect your well being right away, and sometime it could happen gradually.)
2. Your freedom
(Ignorance of the laws is dangerous. I did not know that I did not know... can lead you to a court room or even jail. Please respect the Laws of the Land you live on!)
3. Your money
(It is no-brainer that wasting money on not very well thought over improvements depletes your valuable resources, which could be invested wisely or saved for a rainy day.)
To make it simple for you to keep risks in check, we spell out 7 Smart & Green Principals of Building Design below:
7 Smart & Green Principals Of Building Design
1. Your design shall be at list as per your jurisdiction's current rules and regulations because they spell out minimum current standards of safety, health, and welfare.
2. You building has to be permitted by all the authorities having jurisdiction and shall pass all required inspections. Additionally, you need to get Certificate of Occupancy.
3. Your building shall affect your health and wellbeing in a positive way and do not make you sick or depressed.
4. Your resources for its construction and maintenance have to be used wisely, so you may also be a part of save the planet - sustainable joint efforts.
5. Your utility bills supposed to be below average or zero, if you choose so.
6. It supposed to be attractive and make you feel proud.
7. It has to be designed and built in a way so it could be easy to maintained and changed if needed.
Having many years of experience, we help with all phases of smart & green design of custom homes and businesses.
If you already have prepared drawings or just have some ideas, we can review them for best principles of green design application and compliance with applicable regulations, so you will be able to apply for building permit with confidence.
All photography provided by Larissa A. Ferrer
A ready to build lot with utilities and road in place.
We strongly believe in compliance with applicable regulations such as ADA, zoning, storm water management, building code, energy conservation code, etc.
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Ready to take the next step? You are welcome to set up an initial consultation for needs and options evaluation.